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Photo Aug 23 2023, 1 12 34 PM.jpg

“Change begins with us because no one will fight for us harder than ourselves for each other.” 


 "Oppressed people, whatever their level of formal education, have the ability to understand and interpret the world around them, to see the world for what it is, and move to transform it.” – Ella Baker

I grew up in a very vibrant immigrant family where cousins, uncles, aunts, and all sides of my family made their first stop at my childhood home before starting their journey as a immigrant in the United States. I was empowered by the women-led household that my family fostered and watched how every women in my family was a community organizer and activist for many issues that have become extremely politicized. My parents valued education, similar to many immigrant families. I naturally gravitated to law and politics and have been focused on centering key issues that demand structural change.


“Change begins with us because no one will fight for us harder than ourselves for each other.” 


I am deeply passionate to bring a fresh approach and perspective to how we can effectively tackle many of these issues by utilizing social media, technology and organizing methods to bring people into the political process that actively removes POC from engaging.   


As a proud Afro-Latina, I carry a unique lived experience and professional experience, that can change how we engage with folks. I refuse to let my voice be silenced and my community disenfranchised. I believe in meeting people where they are at so we can lead to a more equitable and just world.


I Speak.
I Create.
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